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Quercetin 'power house' to calm alert systems
​Ingredients: Elderflower Sambucus nigra, Garlic Allium sat, Rosemary Rosemarinus officinalis, Tumeric - Curcuma longa. and Stinging Nettle - Urtica dioica.
Elderflower - anti-inflammatory effect, especially useful for respiratory infections. It encourages perspiration, beneficial to inflamed sinuses. The quercetin in elderflower is a natural antihistamine, therefore helps to alleviate hay fever.
Garlic is a potent anti-inflammatory and immune enhancer that contains histamine-lowering quercetin. When it comes to fighting spring allergies naturally, quercitin is at the top of the list of natural compounds that have been proven to improve symptoms. That's because when you're experiencing spring allergies, your histamine levels increase as the body tries to combat the allergens. Studies have shown that garlic doesn't only improve immune function, but its quercetin also acts as a natural antihistamine. And research has demonstrated why plant-derived quercetin has quickly become a key ingredient in many allergy fighting drugs.
Rosemary - According to a study published in the Journal of Restorative Medicine, this popular herb contains rosmarinic acid, which has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The study also reveals that rosmarinic acid is a free radical scavenger that can suppress the inflammatory responses of certain white blood cells, as well as allergic antibodies
​Turmeric's most powerful active compound is curcumin, which studies have shown can significantly reduce and inhibit allergic responses. Another study published by the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology of 214 people with allergic rhinitis found that those who took curcumin for two months alleviated their sneezing and congestion, and improved nasal airflow compared to those who took a placebo.

Homeobotanicals are organic, wild-crafted herbs in liquid form, diluted and potentised homeopathically and selectively chosen to target specific organs and systems of the body. They are gentle acting, reliable and 100% natural.
Homeobotanicals offer valuable support alongside homeopathy treatment. Patients always tell me how much they love taking them.
Each blend is selected and custom-blended and unique for YOU! No one is the same, I combine them myself with healing intention for YOU.
Each blend has three specific actions:
Physical action which includes organ drainage, detoxification and assisting assimilation of minerals and micronutrients, aiding nutrition and improving the body’s natural immune system.
Synergistic action - Maintain balance within the body and can enhance the actions of Homeopathic treatment.
Dynamic action - arises from the Homeopathic potentization of the herbs which enables each blend to stimulate healing within the body in a gentle and sustained way – making them suitable sensitive people.
Popular Blends with my patients -
Female addresses menstrual irregularities and pain.
Ingredients: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Chaste Tree, Cramp Bark, Liquorice, Motherwort, Pasque Flower, Shepherds Purse, Squaw Vine and Wild Yam
Homeobotanical Female supports the endocrine system and balances periods. Herbs are traditionally used to relieve menstrual and premenstrual symptoms, including pain. It is gently restorative and balancing at times of hormonal change such as after birth or the menopause.
Quiet Sleep restores sleep rhythms and calms over active minds
Ingredients: Chamomile, Hops, Dogwood, Lemon balm, Pasque Flowers, Passion, Flower, Skullcap
Homeobotanical Q Sleep supports relaxation to aid a healthy sleep routine. It has a calming effect on the whole central nervous system, which supports in reducing anxiety and repetitive thoughts. I use this with patients experiencing night restlessness, insomnia, overworked ‘tired and wired’ minds and terrors / nightmares.
Joint Mix aids reducing inflammation of the musculoskeletal system
Ingredients: black cohosh, bogbean, celery seed, devils claw, poke root, prickly ash, Rhemannia, Turmeric, Sarsparilla.
Homeobotanical Joint mix can be used with all inflammatory conditions of the joints – Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cramps, neuralgic or sciatic pains. I use this with patients experiencing stiffness, shooting / dragging pains, swollen joints and chronic inflammation.
Homeobotanicals offer valuable support alongside homeopathy treatment. Patients always tell me how much they love taking them.
Each blend is selected and custom-blended and unique for YOU.
No one is the same, I combine them myself with healing intention for YOU!
Homeobotanicals are not Herbal medicine or Homeopathy but rather a unique combination of these two healing modalities which works on both physical and vibrational energies.
The liquid blends of Homeobotanicals are easy to take orally or can be added to gels, creams and oils. They can be enhanced by Bach Flower Essences and effectively used alongside Homeopathic prescriptions. They can be safely used for babies and the elderly. Some of the conditions which have been reported to respond to Homeobotanicals include asthma, eczema, bowel problems, arthritis, hormone imbalances, respiratory conditions, brain fog, colds and viruses, insomnia and lack of energy.
30ml blend, prescription for 5-6 weeks - £32.50 **
(additional to Homeopathic consultation fee)
more info - click here
Journey to Better Health
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