Mythology = In the Dark ages it was said to ward off lunacy – people also believed that wearing topaz increased body heat, which would enable people to be relieved from fevers and colds. Blue Topaz is said to give immortal life.
Crystal healing = It is said to aid + embrace the nobility of spirit, status, personal will and ability to manifest one’s desires.
Birthstone = November
Golden Topaz is the stone for people who are in a state of complete darkness: there are no feelings, there is no life, no purpose, no way out.
“It is excellent for creating positive relationship and communication in a family, where there was previously dysfunction and lack of communication. Spiritually, it is for letting go of the world and its trapping and allowing you to make the pilgrimage within. It is the stone for spiritual retreats. It develops devotional love; opening the heart to the divine.”, Peter Tumminello
Element Composition of Golden Topaz -
Al2SiO4 (F,OH)2 // Structure = Orthorhombic Main mineral composition = Alumina, Fluoride and silica
Land of No, no, no, no
Black – limbo / no forward / no back Void / Abyss / Isolated / suffocation
They might as well not exist
No expression / stares into the whole
The world has shut him out
He is locked in myself / shut down Trapped
Depression – Absorbed in a black hole
Unable to communicate with others Helplessness / fear / a death sentence Screaming with no voice into abyss
Out of body States of war land
Golden Topaz is the stone for people who are in a state of complete darkness: there are no feelings, there is no life, no purpose, no way out.
Aliments from Abuse / grief / death / loss / war o Head pain: migraine: eruptions, itchy o Hearing: itching + humming o Nose: sinuses, hay fever o Abdomen: liver aches ++ Pancreas ++ (yellow chakra) o Lower Lumber: pain / lower limbs: numbness, unstable ‘out of body’
< worse for: sweets, wine and cold food, sunlight
> better for: golden yellow colour, onions, cashews, cold drinks
Dreams - wolves, children in danger, being gassed, family, purses being stolen, whales, dying
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Opium, Hellebores, veratrum-album, aurum (gold series), lac lup. Grief remedies – adamas, cygnus cygnus, nat mur + Shock remedies ‘out of body’ – ARNICA, aconite, stram, plut-nit, germanium
For more information on how homeopathy can support you returning to a state of balance and repair. Do get in touch via my website or email